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Petugas PPSU Pulau Pari Bersihkan Limbah Tumpahan Minyak
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Oil Spills Around Pari Island and Lancang Island Cleaned

We have collected total 345 sacks of oil waste

Pari Island Urban Village Head, Sarjono deployed 40 Public Facility Maintenance Agency (PPSU) personnel and 10 coastal janitors from Thousand Islands Environment Sub-department to clean up oil spill in areas around west port and east port of Lancang Island, South Thousand Islands.

Joint Post Opened to Accelerate Oil Waste Handling in Thousand Islands

"We have collected total 345 sacks of oil waste. 35 sacks from west port and 310 sacks from east port," he informed, Wednesday (8/7).

He explained, currently his personnel are still sweeping the coastal area and sea of Lancang Island and Pari Island to ensure all oil spills are collected well.

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